T.Zarina Lohven, Genevieve, Gareth, Ghufran, Rafa, Liam
Mrs Chiam Hafiz, Sienna, Aretta, Jacob, Malak, Thomas
T.Dave Nuh, Basheera, Param, Vlada, Kristan
Tasks for Wednesday:
1) Practise your Spellings for Friday
2) Dry Land Swimming (Blog)
3) Literacy – WALT: Identify adjectives.
Please watch Mrs Jodie reading the story Curious George Visits a Toy Shop.
Children can either finish the project from yesterday or complete the worksheet above.
Now Mrs Kay will talk to you about adjectives.
Children can either finish the project from yesterday or complete the worksheet above.
4) Maths - WALT: Find totals using number line.
Let's watch a video by myself, showing how we can find totals using number line.
« Star Challenge
a) The price of the chocolate and egg have gone up by
20 cents.
- What is the new price for the
chocolate? ______
- What is
the new price for the egg? _______
b) The price of the milk and lollipop have gone up by
10 cents.
- What is
the new price for the milk? _______
- What is
the new price for the lollipop? _______
«« Star Challenge
a) The price of the cookies and egg have gone up by 20
- What is
the new price for the cookies? ______
- What is
the new price for the egg? _______
- How
much would it cost for both items? ________
b) The price of the milk and lollipop have
gone up by 30 cents.
- What is the new price for the milk?
- What is
the new price for the lollipop? _____
««« Star Challenge
a) The price of the muffin and egg have gone up
by 30 cents.
- What is
the new price for the muffin? ______
- What is
the new price for the egg? _______
b) The price of the milk and lollipop have gone
up by 40 cents.
- What is
the new price for the milk? _______
- What is
the new price for the lollipop? ______
c) Find the cost of two chocolates. _________.
5) Design and Technology: WALT:
Design and create marble maze (STEM activity)
Today, we are going to create one of the oldest toys, Marble Maze.
What is a maze? A maze is a puzzle with a starting point and many different
paths to choose in order to find an exit. The first recorded maze in history
was in Egypt, dated in the 13th century. Adrian Fisher, the world's leading
maze designer, has created more than 700 mazes in 35 countries since 1979. He
built his first maze for fun in his garden with his dad when he was a child and
never thought it would turn into his career.
Before we create our own Maze, we will look at a few examples of maze.
Find the path from and back to the star. |
Find the route to the center of the maze
Next, create your maze using different materials such as paper plates or boxes. You can make it easy or tricky!