Monday, 18 May 2020

T3.8 Music Task

Good morning year 1 and welcome to our virtual music lesson.

Let's watch a video by Mr Paul England from ISB BSB then sing a song about summer. 

Vocal Work

This week we have another new song for you to listen and learn. It is a song all about the summer;
Summer Song for Kids

A selection from our previously learnt songs for you to review today;
Travel Song

Sun, Moon and Stars
Listening Activity


Can you make these monsters sing a melody by changing the pitch of their voices?
Click on the link below to go straight to their webpage and have some fun!


6)    Maths –  WALT: Use pairs to ten to find the complement to the next multiple of ten.
Watch a video by myself, showing how I used number facts to 10 to male the next multiple of 10.
1 star challenge:
First, choose a number less than 10, then number less than 20 and record what needs to be added to make the next multiple of 10. Try at least 8 times!
 eg:  7 + (   ) = 10
2 star challenge 
Choose a number between 20 and 50, then record what needs to be added to make the next multiple of ten. Try at least 8 times! 
3 star challenge
Choose a number between 30 and 80, then record what needs to be added to make the next multiple of ten. Try at least 8 times! 

Instructions: Roll a dice and find the number of 5s and 10s. Try at least 4 times!