Wednesday, 20 May 2020

T3.8 Wednesday, 20th May

Good Morning... Let's start our learning by going to Mrs Chiam's zoom at 7:45 am and 2nd session with your respective teacher at 11.00 am. Hopefully, our school internet is running smoothly today!!!

T.Zarina              Lohven, Genevieve, Gareth, Ghufran, Rafa, Liam
Mrs Chiam          Hafiz, Sienna, Aretta, Jacob, Malak, Thomas
T.Dave                Nuh, Basheera, Param, Vlada, Kristan

Tasks for Wednesday:

1)    Practise your Spellings for Friday
2)    Dry Land Swimming (Blog)
3)    Literacy – WALT: Explore stories from around the world.

          Let's watch Mrs Jodie read Sasha Visits Bangkok and mark Bangkok on our map. 

What country is Bangkok in? Can you write a sentence about the book and mark Bangkok on your map?

Look at the following picture from the book. What can you see? Can you think of any adjectives or similes to describe what is happening or what you can see?

Write a paragraph to describe the picture.
Click here to access the document

4) Maths - WALT: Add single digit numbers to 2 digit numbers using patterns.
                   Watch a video by myself on how we can use pattern to add single digit to 2 digit numbers. 
Task: Roll a virtual dice (8 sided) for the addend and record the addition sentences. 
1 star challenge: Use the number 11 then roll the dice for the addend. 
                                      eg: 11 + 4 =   
2 star challenge: Use the number 22 then roll the dice for the addend. 
3 star challenge: Use the number 42 then roll the dice for the addend. 

5) Art - WALT: Draw a tiger
Amazon rainforest in South America is the world's largest rainforest and home to a variety of animals, fish, birds and plants. So, today we are going to learn to draw a tiger. Tiger is one of the fiercest, scariest and most dangerous wild animals in the forest. Follow the instructions below to draw a tiger then add in trees and plants. Finally, colour your picture.