Friday, 5 June 2020

T3b.1 Friday, 5th June

Hi everyone. It’s Friday and please meet at Mrs Chiam's zoom for our usual morning registration. Kindly be reminded that we have no 2nd session meeting at 11am.

Tasks for Friday:

1)    No Spellings

 Printable - Spellings for next Friday
A   Nuh, Basheera and Thomas
B   Param, Kristan and Vlada
C   Rest of the class 
2)    LIVE Mandarin or Malay at 9:30 am
3)    LIVE Assembly at 10:30 am  
4)  Literacy Complete your previous literacy tasks and attempt the reading comprehension given during the holiday.
5)    Maths –  WALT: explore Maths Challenge. 
      Let's try any one of the challenges or both today.  

Challenge 1

Can you work out the values of each shape?

star + star = 20; heart + star = 7, heart + heart = triangle

Grey line

Challenge 2

Tom has six 10p coins and three 5p coins. He buys an apple for 59p and two pencils.
He has no money left. How much does a pencil cost?

An apple and two pencils

Grey line

Topic:  WALT: Understand what are minibeasts.

Watch a video about minibeasts then try to attempt the quiz. Next, go around your neighbourhood or even a forest park during the weekend and see how many different creepy crawlies you can find. Do not touch the minibeasts as some might be poisonous. Anyway, take a picture or two of the minibeasts will do.