Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the last week for the academic year 2019/2020.
Task for Monday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
9:30 Break (15 min)
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
12:15 Music
1:15 Dismissal time
No Spellings this Friday!
English - WALT: Read,
copy out and learn off by heart a set of riddles
Look at the riddles below and can you guess what they are. Choose 3 of your favourites and write in cursive. Finally, try to have a go and create one for your friends to guess.
I have long ears and soft fur. I wrinkle my nose and I hop about. What am I?
I have six legs. I fly about. I visit flowers. I make honey. Who am I?
I slither on the ground. I often scare people. I can bite. I hiss when I am frightened. Who am I?
What has a bottom right at the top?
What is so fragile that even whispering breaks it?
What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
What has a thumb and four fingers but no arm?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What gets wetter the more it dries?
You can catch me, but you can’t throw me. What am I?
Answer Sheet (Zarina - please don't print)
Printable Template for writing in (Zarina - One each, please)
Maths : WALT: recall back days of the week and months of the year.
On a whiteboard, write down the days of the week in order.
Next work on the table below.
Printable (Zarina - No need to print)
Printable (Zarina - no need to print)
Art and Craft: WALT: Make Paper Bee
Let's watch a video on how to make Paper Bees and next create one!