Tasks for Tuesday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
9:30 Break
10:00 Health and Well-Being
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
1:15 Dismissal time
Music and Movement : Let's exercise our Brain!
English : Let's complete the writing from Friday. Cut the pictures and arrange in order. Write sentences or build a story from the pictures.
MATH: WALT: Build origami boat.
How to make it:
Ask an adult to help you to make an origami boat. Watch this video to see how:
There are instructions under the video to help you to see the step more clearly.
Now answer some questions about your boat.
• What shapes can you see in your boat?
• How many triangles can you see?
• Can you see different sized triangles?
• Can you see triangles with a ‘square’ corner? These are called rightangled triangles.
• Now see if your boat will float! Find some small things to fit in your boat, e.g. beads, dried beans, cake decorations. These are the animals! How many do you think you will be able to put into your boat before it sinks? Try it out!