Year 1 ISB Seria Blog
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Thursday, 2 July 2020
T3b.5 Thursday, 2nd July
Tasks for Thursday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
9:30 Break
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
1:15 Dismissal time
Music and Movement: Let's exercise!
Today, you are going to write a farewell message to ME!!! :)
Let's think what are you going to miss about me?
Next, draw around your hand on paper and carefully cut it out.
On the palm, write down your goodbye message and on each finger, write the adjectives that you can think about me.
You may use the character adjectives mat to help you.
Example of how the hand palm will look like.
ART : Mindfulness Art
“Art is a natural way to practice mindfulness. The colors, textures and sounds of creating pull us into the moment. You don't need any previous training to meditate through art, just a willingness to draw like a child, with freedom and a sense of curiosity.” —Sep 27, 2017
Let's look at the example below about mindfulness.
Use different colours and please do not rush your colouring!
Choose one for printing.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
T3b.5 1st July, Wednesday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
8:00 Health and Well-being
9:30 Break
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
1:15 Dismissal time
English - write down our proudest achievements.
This week is the last week of our academic year and now it is time to reflect on what makes you proud. Think about your proudest academic achievements. We will list out some of your proudest achievements on the board. Next, we will choose one.
Finally design and create an achievement medal. You can cut a piece of cardboard into a circle or star shape, painting it gold or sticking shiny paper to it.

Maths : Let's play a game of NIM
The video above is showing 21 counters and they are going to remove 1, 2 or 3 counters each time.
However, we are going to start off with 8 counters and removing 1 or 2 counters only.
This game requires 2 players and 8 counters. Each time, you can only remove 1 or 2 counters only.
We start with 8 counters in the pile.
Player 1 takes one counter, leaving 7.
Player 2 takes two counters, leaving 5.
Player 1 takes one counter, leaving 4.
Player 2 takes one counter, leaving 3.
Player 1 takes one counter, leaving 2.
Player 2 takes two counters, leaving 0 and winning the game.
Winner is the last one who removes all the counters.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
T3b.5 Tuesday, 30th June
Tasks for Tuesday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
9:30 Break
10:00 Health and Well-Being
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
1:15 Dismissal time
Music and Movement : Let's exercise our Brain!
English : Let's complete the writing from Friday. Cut the pictures and arrange in order. Write sentences or build a story from the pictures.
MATH: WALT: Build origami boat.
How to make it:
Ask an adult to help you to make an origami boat. Watch this video to see how:
There are instructions under the video to help you to see the step more clearly.
Now answer some questions about your boat.
• What shapes can you see in your boat?
• How many triangles can you see?
• Can you see different sized triangles?
• Can you see triangles with a ‘square’ corner? These are called rightangled triangles.
• Now see if your boat will float! Find some small things to fit in your boat, e.g. beads, dried beans, cake decorations. These are the animals! How many do you think you will be able to put into your boat before it sinks? Try it out!
Monday, 29 June 2020
T3b.5 Monday, 29th June
Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the last week for the academic year 2019/2020.
Task for Monday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
9:30 Break (15 min)
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
12:15 Music
1:15 Dismissal time
No Spellings this Friday!
English - WALT: Read,
copy out and learn off by heart a set of riddles
Look at the riddles below and can you guess what they are. Choose 3 of your favourites and write in cursive. Finally, try to have a go and create one for your friends to guess.
I have long ears and soft fur. I wrinkle my nose and I hop about. What am I?
I have six legs. I fly about. I visit flowers. I make honey. Who am I?
I slither on the ground. I often scare people. I can bite. I hiss when I am frightened. Who am I?
What has a bottom right at the top?
What is so fragile that even whispering breaks it?
What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
What has a thumb and four fingers but no arm?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What gets wetter the more it dries?
You can catch me, but you can’t throw me. What am I?
Answer Sheet (Zarina - please don't print)
Printable Template for writing in (Zarina - One each, please)
Maths : WALT: recall back days of the week and months of the year.
On a whiteboard, write down the days of the week in order.
Next work on the table below.
Printable (Zarina - No need to print)
Printable (Zarina - no need to print)
Art and Craft: WALT: Make Paper Bee
Let's watch a video on how to make Paper Bees and next create one!
Friday, 26 June 2020
T3b.4 Friday, 26th June
Tasks for Friday
7:45 Arrival
8:00 Registration
8:15 Mental Maths and Spellings
9:15 Mandarin and Malay - (Mandarin - stay in the class ; Malay - go to the library)
9:45 Break (30 min)
10:40 LIVE Assembly
11:30 Dismissal time
Maths - Mental Maths Challenge
Printable (Zarina, please print 8 copies)
English - Spelling Bees
Printable (Zarina - colour please, 8 copies)
Look at the pictures then arrange the pictures in correct orders. Next, write the story based on the pictures.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
T3b.4 Thursday, 25th June
Tasks for Thursday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
9:30 Break
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
1:15 Dismissal time
Music and Movement: Let's exercise!
Music and Movement: Let's exercise!
English: WALT: Add rhyming words to our rhymes.
Yesterday, we were looking at rhyming words. Today, let's try to create our own verse of Hickory Dickory Dock and don't forget to add rhyming words.
For Example:
Hickory Dickory Dock!
The dragon flew up the clock.
The clock struck four,
Dragon flew through the door,
Hickory Dickory Dock!
Hickory Dickory Dock!
The monkey crawled up the clock.
The clock struck five,
The monkey crawled into a bee hive,
Hickory Dickory Dock!
Make sure each sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop or exclamation mark. o Leave neat, regular spaces between your words.
Art - WALT: Create minibeasts with finger paint.
Let's work on our fingers today. Watch a video how we can use our fingers to create minibeasts!
Next, look at the minibeasts below. Look at their body parts then try to create one or more minibeasts on our art block! Don't forget to add in the details at the end!
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
T3b.4, 23rd June, Wednesday
Tasks for Wednesday
7:15 Arrival
7:30 Registration
8:00 Health and Well-being
9:30 Break
11:45 Lunch (30 min)
1:15 Dismissal time
English - WALT: identify rhyming words.
Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same or similar ending sound.
Examples of rhyming words are: goat, boat, moat, float, coat.
When you are figuring out if two words rhyme, use your ears to listen as you say the words. If they sound the same or similar, they rhyme.
shoe, flew, bow, true
Let's look at Number Name Rhymes.
Look at the first digit, 1, and write in the number name – one.
Read each of the rhyming words for one and neatly cross out the word that does not rhyme with one (phone). Repeat for the numbers two to ten: What do you notice about the spellings of the rhyming words? Do they have to be spelt the same way to rhyme? No! It is the sound that matters.
printable (Zarina - 1 each!)
We will continue our Maths from yesterday.
Board game 2 (half past, oçlock, quarter to and quarter past)
Science - Let's have a quick play with the dominoes from yesterday again.
Art - WALT: Create minibeasts with finger paint.
Let's work on our fingers today. Watch a video how we can use our fingers to create minibeasts!
Next, look at the minibeasts below. Look at their body parts then try to create one or more minibeasts on our art block! Don't forget to add in the details at the end!

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